The February RAL Art Center Gallery Windows will feature an interesting mix of photography, watercolors, and jewelry, a feast for the eyes on a chilly winter afternoon stroll down Main Street.

Harold Burnley is the featured photographer in this month's windows and will be showing some landscapes of Alaska as photographed from the Inland Passage by boat. One of Harold’s featured photos, taken near Juneau Harbor, captures some beautiful sea lions resting on a marker buoy.

Robert Schuler paints in watercolors and has been doing so for over 30 years, exhibiting and selling to collectors in the United States and abroad. Bob’s featured painting, Done for the Day, is a classic Chesapeake Bay workboat making its way back to port after a day of crabbing/oystering.

Our third window artist is Jacquie Colligan, showing a sumptuous collection of necklaces, earrings, and other works of wearable art. Be sure to linger in front of these exhibits showing throughout the month!