On Saturday, December 10th, the RAL Art Center will be one of seven area art galleries participating in the first-ever Gallery Crawl sponsored by the Northern Neck Office of Tourism. Galleries on the tour route include the Arts Center of Montross, Tappahannock Art Gallery, Artists’ Alliance Colonial Beach, Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, the RAL Art Center, Objects, and Allure Art Center. A bus will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, leaving from Colonial Beach between 10 am and 10:30 am. Art enthusiasts may also drive to each location. All galleries will be open that day from 9 am to 4 pm, with the tour bus expected to return to Colonial Beach by 5 pm. Many locations, including the RAL Art Center, will be offering light refreshments throughout the day. This is a great opportunity to shop for the holidays and show visiting friends or family the best art in our area!