‘Art in Transit 2022’ planning already underway
(Urbanna, VA) – On Monday, Bay Transit Director Ken Pollock received a donation from Doug Mock, the Executive Director of the RAL Art Center, for half of the entry fees and commissions from sold art generated from the first ever ‘Art in Transit’ competition. Mock stated, “RAL is excited to play its part in giving back to our community” and described the check for over $600 as the RAL Art Center’s “donation back to Bay Transit for allowing us to be part of the inaugural ‘Art in Transit’ exhibition and competition.

Bay Transit, the public transportation division of Bay Aging, the RAL Art Center, and Gander Design held the first ever ‘Art in Transit’ competition and exhibition this October to help commemorate Bay Transit’s 25th Anniversary. The award winners were recognized at the ‘Art in Transit’ Reception on October 29th and culminated with a photograph of the first-place entry being unveiled on the side of a Bay Transit bus.
“We are already planning an expanded ‘Art in Transit’ competition for May of next year,” Mock added. “We are in the process of lining up sponsors to make this a bigger fund-raising event for Bay Transit and the RAL Art Center going forward. We are also working to develop partnerships with other art studios in the region to increase the number of submissions we receive for ‘Art in Transit 2022.’”
Pollock was equally bullish about ‘Art in Transit 2022’ noting, “The success of this year’s event shows that collaboration between the region’s public transportation provider and art communities is viable. For next year, we hope to put photographs of all three prize winners on different Bay Transit buses.” Pollock added that he hopes annual ‘Art in Transit’ competitions will become a regional staple that helps encourage area residents, including seniors, to engage in art. “Bay Aging operates income-restricted senior apartments and active lifestyle centers throughout the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula. Art is a wonderful pastime that can be very therapeutic,” Pollock observed.